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Planning Board Minutes 8/24/06
The Monterey Planning Board
August 24, 2006

Members present: Janet Cathcart, Stephen Rose, Brian Puntin, Cindy Hoogs, Maggie Leonard.

There was no business from the public.

The meeting began with discussion about the Planning Board float in the “I Love Monterey” parade on September 2nd. Brian Puntin generously agreed to provide the tractor and hay wagon from Roberts’ Woods Farm for the float. Maggie informed board members that the float would be shared with the Conservation Commission and the Board of Health.

The minutes from August 10, 2006, were amended as follows: The sentence in the sixth paragraph has been amended to read “… the Assessors letter to Building Inspector Don Torrico had made and impression and that he may adapt his definition of a dwelling…”  The Board unanimously agreed to approve the minutes as amended.

At 7:30 the Board met with Mike Erkkinen who expressed an interest in filling the vacant seat on the Planning Board. The seat was held by Wayne Burkhart who was elected to the Select Board and then resigned from the Planning Board. Mike said that he had lived in Monterey at Brookbend for about 5 years, then moved to Ashley Falls, and has returned to Monterey as a homeowner. He has experience as a management consultant and is currently a builder. He said that he was interested in the Planning Board and indicated that his schedule would allow for the work and two meetings per month. The Board decided that we should meet with the Select Board in order to get their feedback and approval for the appointment.

Brain Puntin left at 8 p.m.

The Board read the letter from Highway Superintendent Maynard Forbes concerning the potential development of a subdivision by Steepleview and the roads therein. The letter discusses the responsibility of the Planning Board to make sure that subdivision roads are created that are well designed for drainage and the amount of traffic that they need to support. Speaking specifically about the Steepleview site on West Road, Forbes writes that major improvements must be made to the existing West Street subdivision road prior to any approval of a Definitive Plan. The Planning Board agreed on two things: 1). That we will work with the highway Superintendent closely on any creation of subdivision roads, and 2). That it would be great to have Maynard attend our next meeting to discuss both subdivision roads and roads in relationship to a master plan. Maggie agreed to ask Maynard to come to the meeting on September 14th.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Maggie Leonard